1it113 The information society

Management of change

Lecture 11
Monday 20th February 1995

Ewan Sutherland, Centre for Informatics


National policies

Economic policies

Smoke stack industries

Widespread use of IT

IT ‘82 -- Information Technology year 1982


Industrial policy

Social change in France was possible because:

Phases of intervention

Nora and Minc

Simon Nora

Any thought that is given to the computer and society reinforces the conviction that the stability of modern civilization depends on a mixture difficult to achieve, i.e., blending the increasingly powerful assertion of the prerogatives of the state (even if they are more strictly confined) with the growing impatience with restraint that characterizes modern society. For better or for worse, information processing will be one of the major ingredients of this mixture.


But sooner than most people think, our belief in the ‘nationality’ of most corporations will seem quaint. It is already out of date.

Ohmae, Kenichi (1990) “The Borderless World” page 10.

Information super-highways

National Information Policy

We cannot tolerate -- nor in the long run can this nation afford -- a society in which some children become fully educated and others do not; in which some adults have access to training and lifetime education, and others do not.

Nor can we permit geographic location to determine whether the information highway passes by your door. ... So let me emphasize the point: We must work to ensure that no geographic region of the United States, rural or urban, is left without access to broadband, interactive service.

Vice-President Albert Gore, Royce Hall, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, January 11, 1994

European Union

In the last 20 years:

EU competitiveness

EU priorities:

Bangemann Report

The main risk lies in the creation of a two-tier society of have and have-nots, in which only a part of the population has access to the new technology, is comfortable using it and can fully enjoy its benefits. There is a danger that individuals will reject the new information culture and its instruments.
[HLCIS (1994) page 6.]
Areas of priority:

Computer literacy

Resistance and inertia

Education and training

Redeployment of the workforce

Changes in jobs

Managing change

When you want to change people you need courageous patience.

James I Owen, Deputy Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, USA

Guidelines in user involvement


To manage is to lead, and to lead others requires that one enlist the emotions of others to share a vision as their own

Henry Boettinger, Formerly, Director of Corporate Planning, AT&T

Making it happen means involving the hearts and minds of those who have to execute and deliver. It cannot be said often enough that these are not the people at the top of the organisations, but those at the bottom.

Sir John Harvey-Jones, Making it Happen

Nowadays we are all leaders

The manager as consultant

Barriers to understanding

Organisational politics

Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)

In victory vengeance
In defeat malice

Helping yourself to change

Changing the mind set



Scott Morton, M S (ed.) (1992) “The Corporation of the 1990s” Oxford University Press, New York.