Rowe, Christopher (1990) “People and Chips” Blackwell, Oxford. 301.243 ROW (4 copies on overnight loan)
An alternative text, now out of print, is:
Forester, Tom (1989) "Computers in the Human Context: information technology, productivity and people" Basil Blackwell. 301.245 COM (3 copies on overnight loan.)
The proceedings of a conference on the social accountability of computing and telecommunications. A wide range of papers, if rather sociological in outlook.Boyd-Barnett, Oliver and Scanlon, Eileen (editors) (1990) "Computers and Learning" Addison-Wesley, Wokingham. 371.39445 BOY
An Open University reader with chapters by different contributors giving an overview of the subject.Brödner, Peter (1990) "The Shape of Future Technology: the anthropocentric alternative" Springer-Verlag, London. 301.243 BRO
A relatively short and interesting book; a different perspective on the information society.Castells, Manuel (1989) "The Informational City: information technology, economic restructuring and urban-regional process" Basil Blackwell, Oxford. 301.243 CAS
This book is written by a Marxist geographer of Spanish nationality who previously worked in Paris now living in California. A must for geographers and others with an interest in the spatial.Chandler, Alfred J (1990) "Scale and Scope: the dynamics of industrial capitalism" Harvard University Press and Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA. 338.644 CHA
By the leading historian of business, this is a vital book to understand the historical development of modern business. A comparative study of the USA, the UK and Germany.Dordick, Herbert S and Georgette Wang (1993) "The Information Society: a retrospective view" Sage, London. 301.243 DOR
A slightly disappointing volume which rehashes the recent past and uses some rather dubious numbers to do so.Lyon, David (1990) "The Information Society: issues and illusions" Oxford Polity in association with Basil Blackwell, Second edition. 301.243 LYO
A readable account by a sociologist of the effects of IT on economics, democracy and culture.Martyn, John, Peter Vickers and Mary Feeny (1990) "Information UK 2000" Bowker-Saur, 1990. 025.520942 INF
A useful if rather dry book, with systematic coverage of the applications of information and the effects of technology. The result of a British Library research project.Masuda, Yoneji (1990) "Managing in the Information Society: releasing synergy Japanese Style" Basil Blackwell, Oxford. 301.243 MAS
A useful reference book, mainly as an historical marker.Postman, Neil (1993) "Technopoly: the surrender of culture to technology" Vintage Books, New York. [On order for library]
The author is now US Secretary of Labor where is trying to put his ideas into practice. Readable, if not very optimistic.
Roszak, Theodore (1986) "The Cult of Information: the folklore of computers and the true art of thinking" Lutterworth Press, Cambridge. 001.64 ROS
A fairly readable account of the case against the information society.
Salvaggio, Jerry L (editor) (1989) "The Information Society: economic, social and structural issues" Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ. 301.243 INF
A very useful edited volume with distinguished contributors, but going out of date.
Wurman, Richard Saul (1991) "Information Anxiety: what to do when information doesn't tell you what you need to know" Pan, London. 301.243 WUR
A strange book in a postmodern style, i.e. it does not have to be read sequentially.
Copyright © Ewan Sutherland, 1995.